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Real-world relevant education
to create business leaders of tomorrow

  • Future-Proof Education

  • Real -World Relevant

  • Next-Gen Business Leaders

FOR AGES 8 - 18

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Our Courses

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Orator Unbox-ED

Research has shown that public speaking is one of the biggest fears of people world-wide - our students ofcourse think otherwise!

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Writer Unbox-ED

Successful businesses such as Amazon have moved away from powerpoint to a strong writing culture - we hone the writing craft with over a dozen writing styles!

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Finance Unbox-ED

2 out of 3 lottery winners go bankrupt since they have low Financial IQ - we work with children to build this much needed muscle!

Why Unbox-ED you ask?

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Real-world relevant  
courses not emphasized enough in schools

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Unique course design 
structured by academia lifers and business leaders

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Rigorous teacher selection 
and training modules

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Live interactive classes 
to maximize engagement and learning outcomes

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1:1 and group classes 
to suit specific learning preferences

Our founders and mentors bring leadership insights and learnings from some of the best companies ... 

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... and academic institutes in the world

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Our students look forward to the next class ...

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Finance Unbox-ED | Grade 8 | India

“I am so fascinated by the concepts I have learnt in Finance Unbox-ED. It is like a whole new world has opened up for me!” 

... and parents are amazed at learning outcomes

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Manisha Bhattacharya
Managing Director | Accenture 

“Course structure for Finance Unbox-ED is so well-crafted and the manner in which it is delivered is simply wonderful! Both my god-son and niece eagerly await their next class! I highly recommend this course for teenagers and young adults!"

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